Chase actually turned 15 mos. old a week and a half ago, but we just had his well-baby(do I still call it that?) checkup this week. I was a little anxious to meet our new pediatrician, but she came highly recommended, and Chase and I both ended up loving her. Since our MD pediatrician's office still hadn't forwarded his records, I had to recount the highlights of his first year. They were forewarned about the size of his impending file, and I think the nurse thought I was joking. I told her I had his discharge paperwork from the NICU and all of his x-rays on a cd, but this little man comes with quite a novel. I still haven't organized the explanation of all of his services and appointments. The original folder I kept them in was busting at the seams so I resorted to keeping everything in a bin, which is now housed in our basement with lots of other unopened boxes to eventually go through. Anyway....the doc was seriously impressed with my memory for many of the major events, and I told her that was our entire life last summer. You don't forget transitions on and off a vent, the day your child needs a blood transfusion, all of his medications, what tests he passed, or the day you hear the washing machine in his chest. She was even surprised I remembered how much he weighed the day he came home. This blog of course, has been a godsend for recounting all of these details.
On to his actual exam, and starting with the best info first. I am proud to report that the whooshing sound of his heart murmur is apparently no longer there. Since his last echo was almost a year ago, and the opening was still very small at that point the actual sound was worse than the PDA itself. She couldn't hear a thing, and even though he was squirming around like a madman, she was confident in this report. I still have to call Hopkins to see if they still want him to have one last echo done since that was the follow up recommendation. The pediatrician kept saying he was truly our miracle baby and couldn't believe how well he was doing.
Chase now weighs 20 lbs. 14 ounces(7th %tile), and is 29 1/2" long(8th %tile) and has ten teeth including his twelve mo. molars. He unfortunately got two shots but was a trooper as usual. I did find out that he should be able to get Synagis again this year, and we just have to wait to get the final word from the docs and insurance of course:)
Now for Mommy's rundown of how he's doing! Chase eats everything is sight. He will try just about anything and much to Daddy's chagrin, he even likes pickles and olives. Chase will not hesitate to grab an avocado out of a bin at the grocery store-and will even seek them out in the fruit/veggie bowl at the house. We haven't really been forcing the issue with utensil use, but he does enjoy scooping with a spoon and attempting to spear with a fork. Its more like a shovel motion than anything.
Chase clearly has his preferences, and will smack his hands against his tray or lap if something isn't available or is taken away. He has become very vocal and babbles at the top of his lunges in most public places. Most people seem to think its cute, but I unfortunately got a few annoyed looks this week. Just yesterday he said "mama" clear as day when I went in to get him out of his crib in the morning, but he still won't say it consistently. "Dada, baba, woof, and vroom" are still his main vocab. Only when my mom is around will he say "bye-bye". He tries to imitate some initial sounds, and he loves mimicking oral motor movements and sounds. Especially when its followed with cheers from us. Although he still isn't walking he gets around holding onto furniture with one hand most days, and he will occasionally let go to stand on his own. Chase has been very into blocks and his shape sorter recently, and as much as I would love for him to complete a 3-piece peg puzzle, the pieces are much more fun as cymbals. Do you think those Melissa and Doug peeps thought about how much it would hurt to get smacked with one of those wooden pieces? Chase thought it was hilarious. I on the other hand thought I had a broken nose. Gotta love him. He is growing up so fast!