I can't quite post that Chase is walking yet. We practice everyday, and he just got a new pair of kicks, but he has yet to take more than one step solo. He will walk while holding just one of your hands, but he is hesitant to take the next "step" toward walking:( He gets around plenty well, and thoroughly enjoys getting into everything. Going up and down the steps over and over again is definitely one of his favorite activities. After a little practice he now thankfully knows to turn around to come down the stairs backwards. So that was "first"#1 for October-going down the steps backwards.
The next "first" and a very important one-a baby book milestone my friends:) Chase got his first haircut! After many weeks of saying it was about time, we finally took him to get rid of the mullet. I am pleased to report that he was awesome. Not a single tear was shed, and he loved sitting in the silver antique race car. I think he may have been confused as to what exactly was happening, but he cooperated the entire time. It probably doesn't hurt that he recently started "driving" with daddy in the race simulator, so he is all about turning steering wheels. Although Daddy would have liked for Chase to keep his "hockey" for the start of the Flyers season, we decided it was time for him to look a little less redneck. We got a certificate and his little locks in a pouch. These two things I explained to Jason made it work the twelve bucks. He thought we could just cut Chase's hair ourselves. After I watched the little man turn his head from side to side to see what was going on, and how much the girl danced around to keep his head straight-I'm pretty sure if I cut his hair it would have looked terrible and I potentially would have nicked him.
Side note- Years ago a woman told me a story about how her young daughter tripped and cut her temple, and how she and her husband decided to use liquid bandage instead of taking her to the hospital. Her husband mind you, was a doctor. As she said "Make sure you hold her hands tight" the husband let go, and the little girl swiped her hand across her face. You get where I'm going right? One of the little girl's eyes ended up getting glued shut, and of course they ended up in the emergency room. This was my argument for why cutting Chase's hair ourselves was a bad idea. Jas remembered the story, and didn't argue with me as we headed to Kids Kuts.
Where am I? This definitely doesn't look like the basement.
My pretty long mohawk
Oh so handsome and serious
Some post-haircut photos...
On to "first" #3. Today Chase took his "first" bike ride. Not on his trike-he's an old pro at doing laps around the house(being pushed of course), but in the bike trailer. Jas brought his helmet home a few weeks ago, and Chase was not a fan at first. I don't think he exactly loves it now, I think tolerates is a better word. Since it was such a beautiful day, and we had already gone to an apple festival and a Halloween-themed birthday party(more pics in the next post I promise)-we figured we'd fit our inaugural bike ride around our neighborhood in before dinner. Jas rigged up some padding from an old stadium seat in the trailer, we harnessed Chase in, and we were off! He kind of seemed indifferent, but I couldn't tell if it was from lack of sleep or that he just wasn't a fan of the experience. For the first part of the ride he had his hands flailed out to his sides just like the first few times he took a bath. It looked just like when you grab the "Oh Sh**" handle when you go around corners, but in the bike trailer. If you've ever driven with Jason you know what I'm talking about. Since Chase wasn't crying, and eventually loosened his grip we rode around for about an hour. We checked out some of our neighbors crazy Halloween decorations and based on how over the top some yards look, I think it's definitely going to be like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation around here in December. We finally have outside outlets!! Woohoo!! Again I digress:)
You can't see in the picture, but he has an "I Trike Baltimore" shirt on.
Appropriate for his first bike ride I thought!
Off we go!
Another activity packed day tomorrow..hayride and pumpkin picking, Eagles game, and replay of the F1 race-heading to bed...