Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Last Challenge Day

Day #29(Woohoo Leap Year!)

Its not that I haven't enjoyed doing this challenge for the past month, but I'm a little glad its coming to an end. I was trying to come up with a creative picture to go out with a bang, but unfortunately I'm tapped out creatively today. Blame it on the fact that its been pouring all day long! Anyway- I've included this shot of the first page of my Pandora stations on my phone. I know, not super creative, but it is something that Chase hears on a regular basis. While we do listen to kiddie music and watch videos on occasion, we don't talk baby to Chase, and figure a little adult music won't hurt. He loves to dance with us, and his current favorite song is "Hey Jude". He actually will chime in after "Na-na, na na" with "hey Jude." It is so stinky adorable! I should take a video to post. This should therefore remind me to charge the video camera battery right. Lately we've been taking video on our phones. They are always accessible, but don't have the best resolution!

Back to regular posts tomorrow. Can't guarantee I'll be sticking to the daily thing, but I will make an effort to not let days go by without a post. I've been toying with the idea of changing up the blog layout; and maybe adding some other posts eventually. Don't worry, the little man will still be the star:)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Challenge Day #28

Day #28 Money(shots)


Saying Cheese

Ready to ride

Tomorrow's inspirational item: SOMETHING YOU ARE LISTENING TO

Monday, February 27, 2012

Challenge Day #27

Day #27 Something you ate

This isn't a picture from today. It however is a cute, slightly messy one. Chase's cereal eating skills are improving. Today he was half asleep for breakfast, we had company for lunch, and I was making our dinner when he ate tonight. I could have grabbed the camera, sorry I didn't!

Tomorrow's inspirational item: MONEY

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Challenge Day #26

Day #26 Night
Nighttime=Milk time

It is currently almost 8:15, and he only stayed in his bed for a few minutes earlier. We were hoping since he ran around all day he would crash. Maybe he'll be down soon!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Back in Business

So I missed another photo day. I have an excuse. Roughly a year and a half ago, Jas accidentally spilled some Subliminally Self-Righteous(Stone Brew) on our laptop. Then a few days later I spilled some balsamic vinaigrette on it. It didn't really matter at that point because the damage was already done. Long short of it....we haven't had a functioning keyboard. Since then we've been using a wireless keyboard, and just never got around to ordering a new replacement one for the computer. Well, finally we ordered a new one(it required remembering to look at the part #), and it came in yesterday. Yes, I could have used another computer to post, but the tablet is a pain to type on, and I upload my photos onto this laptop. So I missed a day while the laptop was in pieces. It was a quick fix, but Jas spends the majority of his free time on the basement reno-which by the way looks fantastic. The trim is in and the face of the bar is almost complete. Can't wait to unveil with before and after pictures!

Day #24 Inside your bathroom cabinet
This house doesn't have medicine cabinets. Only hideous wall-sized mirrors. Here's a drawer in the purple bathroom. A mix of Chase's stuff, and guest bath items= Including q-tips from a trip to Jordan.

Day #25 Green
Chase's loves. loves avocado

I even programmed "Scout" his Leapfrog dog to say avocado was his favorite food:)

Tomorrow's inspirational item: NIGHT

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Challenge Day #23

Day #23 Your shoes
Quick- Gotta catch him before he takes off again! Running around like a madman nowadays.

Tomorrow's inspirational item: INSIDE YOUR BATHROOM CABINET

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Challenge Day #22

Day #22 Where you work

Fake hammer(Chase's new favorite word)-Real nail though!

Chase is currently working with Daddy on the basement renovation.

Tomorrow's inspirational item: YOUR SHOES

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Challenge Day #21

Day #21 Fave photo of you

This was a tough one. I have way too many favorites to pick just one. Plus, I usually post my best shots:) so you all have seen them! Instead of taking a new picture today I looked back to see if there were any cute ones that might have not made it on the blog. Thought this one was a keeper!

Tomorrow's inspirational item: WHERE YOU WORK

Monday, February 20, 2012


Sorry I missed yesterday's challenge photo! We had friends and family visiting from out of town, and I was busy taking pictures of Chase playing new friends. So today I played catch up and took two photos for posting.

Day #19 Something you hate to do

Chase hates getting his face wiped!

Day #20 Handwriting

Another idea I found on Pinterest. A few of my close friends and family received personalized versions of these "cherish" frames, as I call them, for Christmas. I tried to interview their significant others and/or family members to make sure I included important dates, locations, song titles etc. to make the gifts more meaningful. They were fun to make, and I ended up learning some new facts about everyone. Another important piece was that I included memories I have from my relationships with them as well!

I also of course had to make one for our home. The picture above is of our Swanson "cherish" frame. Although it is my handwriting and not Chase's, many milestones from our lives written in this frame involve the little man.

Tomorrow's inspirational item: A FAVE PHOTO OF YOU

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Beautiful Day

Day #18 Drink

Enjoying a drink at America's oldest zoo! The Philadelphia Zoo of course:) Couldn't pass up visiting the animals during this unseasonable warm weather.


Yay! Aunt Jenna and Uncle Pat came with me to the zoo



Little man is heavy, it was Pop Pop's turn to hold him up to see the animals!

Mister Fearless walked right up to the goats

Chase wasn't sure if these cats meow or roar

Hanging with Mom Mom
What a fun day!

Tomorrow's inspirational item: SOMETHING YOU HATE TO DO

Friday, February 17, 2012

Challenge Day #17

Day #17 Time

Or more precisely Elapsed Time. Finally getting our new floor installed in the basement. Short's been a long day.

Let me help you

Wiped out

Done for the day. Can't wait for those metal poles to be enclosed.

Tomorrow's inspirational item: DRINK

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Challenge Day #16

Some of you probably thought I'd forgotten today's post, since for past two weeks I have been blogging way earlier than 10 p.m. Frankly with Chase's sleep schedule still a little off, tonight it is later than our usual bedtime. I however, wanted to finish my latest project to have its photo be for today's post.

This started as a trash-picked(reclaimed or upcycled-it just sounds better) old table top. I was originally going to paint it and add a really sweet quote. My brilliant plan for the lettering of the quote didn't work out so well, and I don't have one of those fancy vinyl letter machines. So after spending more time than I'd like to admit on Pinterest, I combined two craft ideas to make one fabulous piece of art. Jas will be happy that one of my projects is finally almost finished!!

{Jason, I promise to finish the kitchen curtains, or have my brother help me finish sewing the last one(hehe:) soon. I will then try to keep the pieces of my unfinished projects off of the dining room table. Thank you, for last weekend putting in my new unconventional curtain tie backs, and looking at the home decor links I send you on a regular basis. Your loving wife}

Day #16 Something New

Photos enlarged to 11x14(Shutterfly you rock!) and mounted onto canvas. This was only my second attempt at using Modge Podge:)

I painted the edges of the canvas first, mounted the photos, and then distressed the edges with more paint. Right now the canvases aren't attached to the wood. Once we get it up on the wall of our family room, I'll post a final photo!

The photo on the left, if you recall, is from right before Chase was discharged from the NICU. And the one on the right was my inspiration for this photo challenge.

Tomorrow's inspirational item: TIME

P.S My dream last night involved losing my camera. I was devastated. Can't imagine why...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Challenge Day #15

I debated about taking a picture of one of Chase's toy phones that a few weeks ago came to "life" at 1am and woke us up. I am a chicken when it comes to scary movies, and a possessed toy(or even one with dying batteries perhaps) definitely spooked me a little. I thought maybe the dog had walked by Chase's playroom and the phone had a sensor(come play with me). She however, was sleeping next to our bed. I actually can't believe I got up and walked straight into the playroom without even checking behind the door, turning on the hall light etc. I must have still been half asleep, cuz otherwise I definitely would have made Jas do it:) The next morning I had a little freak out that it had happened on 2/1/12 at 1am. Yep, sometimes I think there are hidden signs...

Since the incident, we now make sure that the phone is switched off all the time after we are done playing. If for some reason it comes on again, we might then know we have a spirit!

Anyway, I decided against taking a picture of the toy phone, and went with a pic from my phone instead. Sorry the lighting is lousy-no flash on my Android. I took this while stopped at a light on my way home from work tonight. Even though its not that far of a drive from my parents' house, Chase somedays is wiped out from playing.

Day #15 Phone

Tomorrow's inspirational item: SOMETHING NEW

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Day #14 Heart

Handprint heart
Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Tomorrow's inspirational item: Phone

Monday, February 13, 2012

Challenge Day #13

Day #13 Blue
One of Chase's favorite breakfast items

Tomorrow's inspirational item: HEART

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Challenge Day #12

Day #12 Inside your closet

Most of Chase's wardrobe consists of comfy things like t-shirts and jeans. They do not require hangers. Also, he definitely doesn't have nearly as many outfits as some of his girlfriends. Chase does however, have lots of plaid dress shirts to match daddy!

Tomorrow's Inspirational Item: BLUE

Perfect Winter Sunday

Nothing's better on a snowy morning than a crackling fire, biscuits with sausage gravy, and a little sledding!

Homemade gravy, not homemade biscuits(thank goodness for new workouts)

Finally I get to wear my snowsuit

Is it time yet?

Summer loves the snow!


Having too much fun to go inside

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Challenge Day #11

Day #11 Makes You Happy

Chase with his best friend in the whole entire world! Summer is the first thing he looks/asks for anytime he wakes up. They play, run, eat, and snuggle together each and every day.

Some of Chase's favorite things to do with Summer...
1) Feed her dog and people treats
2) Pull clumps of her shedding fur(and then try to reattach it)
3) Whack her with his hockey stick and golf clubs.
4) Play fetch(until the plastic balls get crushed)
5) Give her hugs and try to go for rides

Some of Summer's favorite things to do with Chase...
1) Share food- including sitting patiently by his side with a steady line of drool from her mouth
2) Steal his toys
3) Sleep in front of his crib while he naps
4) Go for walks
5) Clean his face and hands

He loves his "Woof-woof" so incredibly much!

Tomorrow's Inspirational Item: INSIDE YOUR CLOSET

Friday, February 10, 2012

Challenge Day #10


The camera was too heavy for me to hold, so mommy did it. I pushed the button lots of times!

Photographer in training:)

Tomorrow's Inspirational Item: MAKES YOU HAPPY

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Challenge Day #9

Day #9 Front Door
Tomorrow's inspirational item: SELF PORTRAIT

Having technical difficulties...short post. Sorry!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Challenge Day #8

Day #8 SUNBy the time we went out today, it was pretty cloudy. So no "real sun" photo. So, Chase enjoyed creating this beautiful artwork instead. His interpretation is on the left:)
We used Crayola Wonder Colors, looks like clear gel and turns colors when it hits the paper. At first he wasn't so interested. After all, you don't get to see the mess you are making as much with this stuff. Once he figured it out he didn't want to stop!

Tomorrow's Inspirational Item: FRONT DOOR