Day #29(Woohoo Leap Year!)
Its not that I haven't enjoyed doing this challenge for the past month, but I'm a little glad its coming to an end. I was trying to come up with a creative picture to go out with a bang, but unfortunately I'm tapped out creatively today. Blame it on the fact that its been pouring all day long! Anyway- I've included this shot of the first page of my Pandora stations on my phone. I know, not super creative, but it is something that Chase hears on a regular basis. While we do listen to kiddie music and watch videos on occasion, we don't talk baby to Chase, and figure a little adult music won't hurt. He loves to dance with us, and his current favorite song is "Hey Jude". He actually will chime in after "Na-na, na na" with "hey Jude." It is so stinky adorable! I should take a video to post. This should therefore remind me to charge the video camera battery right. Lately we've been taking video on our phones. They are always accessible, but don't have the best resolution!
Back to regular posts tomorrow. Can't guarantee I'll be sticking to the daily thing, but I will make an effort to not let days go by without a post. I've been toying with the idea of changing up the blog layout; and maybe adding some other posts eventually. Don't worry, the little man will still be the star:)