Monday, October 11, 2010

Tiny, tiny

Chase did great today for his cardiology appointment! He was a trooper during the echocardiogram, and squirming and fussing was kept to a minimum all considering. Last time he had an echo the tech was all business, and I couldn't really tell what we were looking at. The tech today showed us exactly what the PDA looked like, and he also told us it was super tiny! After numerous pics were taken we met with the cardiologist so she could listen to him. Although the duct is not completely closed it is so small that he doesn't need treatment! As he gets older, and if its still an issue they might recommend closing it using a catheter, but for now he isn't having any issues. So we just have to go back for a follow-up in one year. Cross one set of routine appointments off our list!

Now that he has the "all clear" from the cardiologist, we have to contact the pulmonologist again to discuss the weaning of meds. Too many specialists! Hopefully we can talk about the medication over the phone and won't have to wait until our appointment next month:) Maybe only a few last hurdles to get this process rolling. No medication will definitely be wonderful!

After Chase's appointment we swung by the NICU to visit the staff. It was old like times when they buzzed us in without even asking who we were there to see! Even though only a few our regular nurses were there, it was nice to see how happy they were with his progress. FYI, today he weighed a little over 9lbs!

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