Saturday, November 20, 2010

Daddy to the Rescue

A few years ago we started the tradition of having Thanksgiving dinner the weekend before the actual holiday. It makes life much easier for everyone, and traffic on holidays just plain stinks. Even though Chase is here, I'm determined to continue the tradition of having our family down for dinner at our house, and each year I get better with preparation. I refuse to just throw the bird in the oven and hope for the best, so for the past 3-4 yrs we prep by brining the bird the night before(trust me it is well worth the effort). Another endeavor I've decided to take on is cooking the bird breast side down and then flipping it toward the end of the cooking time. This is a feat in itself, and definitely a two-man job! Brining the turkey in combination with this unconventional cooking technique truly make the most succulent bird, and always up for the challenge, this year my plan is to be able to execute the same caliber meal with a baby in the house:)

In efforts to prep a little ahead of time, and psyched that I have a new larger oven this year I realized that I should probably set the self-cleaning feature on the oven. We had a bit of a fiasco with a thin crust pizza last week and I totally forgot to clean things up. After about 45 minutes the oven started setting off the smoke alarm incinerating those cheesy bits, and instead of taking down the smoke detector I decided to cancel the self-clean. I realized that starting this at 8 o'clock at night was a dumb idea, and Chase needed some uninterrupted sleep. The problem is when I hit the cancel button the oven did go into cool down mode, but immediately started beeping and clicking and throwing an error code. This happened repeatedly, and after a quick look on the internet because those stupid manuals are useless we decided to flip the power and head to bed. Upon waking up this morning the oven door was still locked and turning off the power did absolutely nothing! I thought I was going to have to cancel our Thanksgiving dinner:(

After thinking I was going to have to call the Maytag repair man, here come Jas to the rescue....he takes the whole back apart and finds a tiny little screw(we still haven't figured out where it came from) that has jammed the door locking mechanism. Yay for Daddy!! He saved the day!

Time to end this ridiculously long-winded post, gotta go brine that bird:)

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