Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bad Mommy Blogger

Sorry it's been a week since I've posted! Now that I'm back to work full time our evening routine usually consists eating, watching a little t.v., bath time and going to bed. Chase continues to sleep well through the night, but our evenings are usually restless because he is such a squirmer in his crib. We still use the angel monitor under his mattress and since he likes to move off the monitor the alarm occasionally goes off. Actually I think it went off four times last I run in, move him back to the center of the crib(all while he still sleeps) and then we try to get back to sleep. I think the positioning may be off from his last sheet change because normally we only have to get up once. I know we probably don't need to use the motion part of the monitor anymore, but it just gives us peace of mind. At least he's still not getting up to eat every few hours!!

In the pics below he is supporting some Philly teams-and since the Eagles blew it last weekend, we've moved on to cheering for the Ravens. Despite living down here for over a decade we don't own any Ravens gear(I did wear purple yesterday, and we are watching the game as I type this however:) We'll get around to getting him some Baltimore gear one of these days!! GO RAVENS!

Jumping in my crib

Toss me up again!!

The only pic mommy could get where I wasn't slobbering all over the gadgets on my exersaucer

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