Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chase's First Cold

It was inevitable, and the fact that we made it 8 months is pretty darn good. Chase has his first cold:( On Thursday he woke up kind of congested and wheezy, and it wasn't like the days when he's just groggy and it works itself out. Although he had a hard time nursing, he seemed a little better and happy while we were getting ready. He didn't have a fever so I decided to take him to the sitter's house. I kept thinking about all of the parents that send their kids to school sick and how I said I would never do that! He actually ended up being fine throughout the day, and I questioned whether I was a bad mommy all day long. Later that evening however he became really congested and after a two hour bedtime nap, he was up and fussy for the rest of the night.

I stayed home from work on Friday since he was pretty miserable, but since he didn't have a fever, and everything was running clear I didn't call the pediatrician. Again, I questioned whether I wasn't making the right call as a first time mommy. Still no fever, and after checking the RSV symptoms for the umpteenth time, we decided it was just a cold that needed to run its course. After three very sleep deprived nights(since he could only doze while being held upright) I think he's feeling a little better. He's still congested and has a fit every time I put him down on the changing table, because he thinks I'm going to pull out the nasal aspirator. Hopefully I haven't traumatized him for life.

Not at all looking forward to more illnesses over the years. BTW, I read that kids don't learn to blow their nose until about 4 yrs. old, and now I'm determined to add this to the list of things to teach Chase at an early age!! Not that it would have necessarily helped, but wouldn't you know he's scheduled to get his next Synagis shot this week?

1 comment:

  1. I know I am a little late reading this, but we have the Graco elecrtronic nasal aspirator and we LOVE it!!! I have been using it on Charlie (who is ALWAYS sick) since he was 2 months old. He used to scream and fight me when I used th ebulb aspirator but he doesn't complain at all when I use the electronic one. They sell them at Rite Aid for like $27 I think- best investment ever!!!!
