Saturday, March 5, 2011

9 months and Counting!

Just woke up and concentrating on standing by myself

Sitting in my Great-Great Grandpa's chair

My Zoolander face

Taking advantage of some warm weather. Gotta support the team, it's a game day!

Look how big I am!!

Yesterday Chase turned 9 months old! On Monday he had his scheduled checkup and everything looks good:) He weighs 15 lbs. 10 oz. and is 27 1/4" long. Although he is still pretty small the doctor didn't have any concerns about his growth. He had to get his final Hep B shot(tears) and blood drawn(shockingly no tears), and all of his labs came back normal. I had a bunch of questions about allowable foods, and really there are only a few restrictions at this point. Now that he has those two bottom teeth, we were excited to try new things. So far this week we've added mac and cheese and bison to his repertoire! Chase still doesn't have a great pincer grasp, but we also need to be better about practicing. When he does pick up small finger foods they often get dropped or stuck in his fist before making it to his mouth. Summer is of course enjoying cleaning up after him.

Speaking of Summer-Chase has been especially interested in watching her lately and now enjoys reaching out to "pet" her and grab her ears when she is next to his exersaucer. She is very patient with him and generally just moves away when she's had enough. He hasn't tried to chomp on her ears yet, but I'm sure if he gets the opportunity he'll try!

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