Monday, April 4, 2011

10 months old!

We have a bunch of pics and updates from the past two party-filled weekends, but I'm not going to get a chance to get the posts done tonight. I did however want to mention that today Chase is 10 months old! He experienced another two milestones today(he must have known it was a special day:) With a little coaxing and nearby support he pulled himself to a stand from crawling(not sure if we are excited about this one yet), and he had his first mini temper tantrum. The standing piece came after an evening full of crawling and exploring. He ventured under the coffee table and under his exersaucer. He also found a spoon to bang and it was cute because at one point he looked like he was trying to use it as a screwdriver on the leg of the exersaucer. Sorry I don't have pics-we don't have a gate upstairs yet so he requires lots of supervision!! He started to get tired but kept trying to grab at the side of the couch. This was a losing battle that soon frustrated him so we moved him to the front of the couch so he could have a fighting chance to pull himself up. After a few attempts I offered my arm for a sturdier surface and he pulled himself to his knees and then his feet! We celebrated thoroughly:)

On to the tantrum...Chase's schedule was quite disrupted this weekend and Summer kept most of the house up last night due to her fear of storms(this has gotten so much worse as she's gotten older) so we're all a little sleep deprived. Since Chase is super mobile now he doesn't like staying still anywhere, and the changing table is of course no exception! Until recently he would simply arch his back to try to grab things or try to eat his feet during changing times. Relatively manageable. He now however has figured out that in less than a second he can flip to his belly and try to crawl on the changing table to reach the wipes, diapers, and anything else within arms length. This only really started in the past two days and today I think the exhaustion compounded his crankiness when I tried to prevent him from rolling to his belly when it was time for pjs. He started screaming bloody murder, rolling all of the place, and chomping on his arm. I had to put him in the crib because there was no way I was going to safely be able to get lotion on his back without him squirming out of my hands. He was so crabby it ended up taking the two of us to get him ready for bed. Hopefully he was just exhausted, he's generally a pretty laid back little one-we better not be entering a new phase!

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