Saturday, August 27, 2011

Daddy's Favorite

Many of you know that my husband has a "small" obsession with Stone Brewery out in Cali.

A few years ago Jason was out in San Diego for a business trip, he stumbled upon Stone, and has never looked back. He likes to fancy himself as a craft beer connoisseur and over the years has amassed quite a collection of bomber bottles. He will never let me live down the fact that while he was on a business trip I drank his last bottle of '08 Russian Imperial Stout, and I will never let him forget that a keg of Arrogant Bastard=bad news for drinking games. I've been fortunate enough to visit Jas out in San Diego a few times, and I too am now a Stone fan. Not only are the brews awesome, the gardens are beautiful, and the food at the bistro is ridiculous. Since I was preggers last time we were there, and I couldn't partake in the tastings after our brewery tour(they were generous enough to allow Jas my samples-after all he had a designated driver!), I made sure I had my fill of the duck tacos and some of their other offerings.

Jas follows Stone on Twitter, and I'm pretty sure the day they announced that they were building a hotel across from the brewery he called me at work. Jason's passion for Stone rivals my passion for food. Around times for several of their seasonal releases he asks me to stop and check to see if local stores have received shipments. Each time I bought a six pack of Oaked Arrogant Bastard(one of his faves), the guy behind the counter would say, "Do you know how much this costs?" and my response was always "Yes, and do you know my husband is always the one buying it!" I'm not going to lie, I don't love hoppy beers, I'm more of a porter or stout girl myself, frankly Jas is just happy that its not Miller Lite.

Okay, I know I should not be promoting drinking on our family blog, but it is what it is. Here are some pictures to prove it....

Chase's onesie says "My Daddy is an Arrogant Bastard", Jas has a Stone t-shirt on, and yes that is an actual bottle of beer. Just an FYI-Chase is not allowed to be seen by anyone other than our friends and family in this onesie.

It's not that I'm not proud that our family are Stone fans, I just don't feel like explaining it to everyone.....

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