Happy Belated Thanksgiving!
Let me backtrack a bit....here's a brief rundown leading up to dinner. Feel free to skip down to the pics if you could care less about my ramblings(I won't be offended)
Wednesday I picked up our big beautiful bird from the Dutch Market, and got that baby in some apple cider brine, then the "boys" came over to hang out, and Pat and Jenna came up from MD. Thursday we got up and started prepping for the day-thankfully they had spent the night and kept the little one occupied by doing laps with him around the first floor with his shopping cart. This year was our best year yet with timing everything and having all of the dishes stay warm! I was very nervous about my smaller oven, but quickly realized that having 4x the counter space in this kitchen made up for it:) The one thing I will do next year is set the table the night before. I had prepped our pretty centerpiece, but while running around ran out of time. Oh well, we were doing a sit down/buffet anyway!
Waiting with Summer for the turkey
I know Summer looks less than thrilled in most of these lounging pictures that I post. 1) She has resigned herself to the fact that Chase thinks she is either a) a pillow b) a jungle gym or c) a horse. 2) She thinks that when I turn on the oven that the smoke alarm is going to go off, so she follows you around when the oven is on. This day of course the oven was on for hours.
Unfortunately I didn't get a shot of everyone all together. We took this one before my brothers and the ladies had to leave to go to their second dinner! Yep, Jas still has that hot moustache. I know a few of my girlfriends required their husbands to shave off the facial hair. Its grown on me at this point. And he fit right in at the Flyers game the other day. Chase did however grab the moustache of one of my wooden Santas while I was decorating today, and said "Dada"-not quite.Sides in the kitchen, and turkey and ham on the table. There was no way we would be able to fit all of the food and everyone at the table. We made traditional sides with a kick. Quite a few decadent ingredients-truffle oil and butter, heavy and sour creams, gruyere and parmesan, and good old sage sausage and bacon added to the flavor and general oh-so deliciousness. You can't skimp-its Turkey Day. We actually probably only buy butter during November and December. This one day alone I think we used more than 1/2 lb!
Yumm, brined bird slathered in truffle butter. We cook her breast side down until about an hour left. Its a real b**&^ to flip over, and Jas annually burns his hands, but the end product is so worth it:) Its difficult to get the skin perfectly brown with this cooking method, but she turned out pretty well this year.
Summer and Jas both thoroughly enjoyed the Grand Marnier whipped cream:)
Chase practicing his walking skills-he still takes about four steps and then drops to a crawl.
Hanging with Aunt Zandy after dinner
Too stuffed to move!
And lastly-Mommy and Daddy let me have pie and desserts for breakfast with them the next day. Yippee for sugar! I don't get much of it often, but when I do you better watch out!
Look at that devilish smile