One of our friends from Baltimore stopped in for a visit on her way back from a wedding in North Jersey on Halloween weekend. Chase with Caden(age 1) and Alex(age 3), made for a good time. Sara deserves a ton of credit for juggling things -she took the two boys to a wedding all by herself. Her husband had been deployed for over 2 months and she wasn't even able to talk to him during that time. The best part however, was that he was coming home the next day and the boys were going to get to go trick or treating with him:) I don't know how she does it, when Jas travels for only a few days I'm exhausted! I can only imagine Chase x2.
Getting a picture of all of them sitting and looking at the camera proved impossible. Sara, maybe you had some better luck?
I kept telling Chase-"See Caden is a big boy and walking"
It doesn't hurt that he has an older brother to take after.
Silly picture of Alex, but he was having fun with the Tickle Monster gloves
Action shot. The one picture of us looking at the camera is terribly blurry-oh well! This is before all the books were off the shelf. Jas had to explain to Alex why he couldn't play with the Ferrari lego car. Once Chase is big enough it will need to be moved to the office. Not really kid friendly. Over a thousand pieces, and it took hours to put together.
Thanks for having us! i didn't get any pics...all of mine were blurry :( they are too quick for me!