Who is Having More Fun Around Here?
We like to have a good time here in the Swanson household. Chase never ceases to keep us on our toes or entertained on a daily basis. Jas and I like to participate in the antics as well of course. So much happened last year, and I can't believe the Nutter is now 19 mos. old! He has quite the personality and I thought I'd share some of the recent hilarity from our home. Besides displaying the occasional "terrible twos" moments, Chase is quite the chatterbox nowadays and tries to repeat a lot of what you say(oh no!) He identifies himself as Chase and is proficient at indicating his wants and needs with Yes/No. For a while he was only signing "yes", but now his does a full body nod. In addition to the over exaggerated gesture he moves his eyebrows up and down. You have to see it, its absolutely hilarious. I swear we laugh nearly every time he tells us "Yes" he wants or likes something.
He has also recently decided that as he does laps around the house that he would like to carry a shopping bag with him. At first it started with a small paper tote filled with his toys. He likes to stop every 10 ft. or so to make sure everything is in the bag. You know there might be a black hole or something:) Now he tends to gravitate towards handle bags nearly as tall as he, and/or grocery bags that at times are still filled with items. Give the boy a box or a bag, and he'll occupy himself for a good thirty minutes or so.
Like I said before, Chase isn't the only silly one around here. Dancing and singing(which most of you know do not fall under our repertoires) occurs on a daily basis. Daddy has us now hooked on the Highway station on satellite radio. Jas has always been a fan of a wide variety of music and like he said country music is like 80's hair band tunes, addicting! FYI-Chase enjoyed "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" in the car yesterday:) In my opinion, country is much better and more entertaining than those kids' stations.
One way our days are filled with music-we have a nightly ritual, we listen to tunes while making dinner together. While rockin' out Chase plays in "his" and "not his" cabinets in the kitchen, and we also practice animal sounds. The little one has an odd mix of sounds in his vocabulary-he does ducks, dogs, pigs, cows, and dinosaurs(which also sound like bears and lions) We probably should have taught him a cat says "meow" earlier on like most normal parents right? Oh well. As we went through one of his many animal sounds books Jas and I however, came across a sad realization...neither of us can make an elephant sound. Try as hard as we may, both of us end up sounding more like a dying horse than anything else. We start off with the best intentions, but end up rolling in laughter because we can't manage to muster up the right sound. It really is kind of pathetic. I guess add the inability to make proper animals sounds to the list of things we might pass on to Chase. No rhythm, can't make an elephant sound, and oh yeah most likely terrible vision. Sorry buddy. I guess it could be worse.
Toddlers get so excited over the little things, so besides being easily entertained by mommy and daddy making fools of themselves, Chase is obsessed with things that fly. He squeals, no correct that, screams, anytime he sees a plane or bird. You will be driving along and all of a sudden he starts screaming and pointing at the sunroof because he's spotted something. As soon as I got him out of the car at Lowes yesterday he started screaming because there were a flock of seagulls in the parking lot. Needless to say we garner a few glances. We also live close enough to the Philly airport that we live under a few flight patterns. Chase will stop(and drop) whatever he is doing to run to the nearest window to catch a glimpse as soon as he hears the faintest rumble. Since Jason taught him how to breathe on the window and draw with his finger, the little one will also occupy himself long after a plane or bird has passed. Sometimes he resorts to licking the windows, and I've given up wiping the smudges. He and Summer share nose and lick prints some days. You gotta pick and choose your battles right?
"Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves-for they shall never cease to be amused."
"I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose."