Here we go! I loaded these pictures out of order so we'll start on Christmas evening and work our way backwards through the family festivities! Hope you can follow the madness. Kinda like one of those really annoying t.v episodes or movies that you have to pay attention to or you lose your place. We love those kind of shows!
Ready or not...
Christmas Evening
Here Chase is hanging with Aunt Zandy under the tree tent on Christmas night.
We headed to MomMom and Fuji's house for the afternoon. I can't remember if I posted the reasoning behind Fuji's name before. Since Chase already had two MomMoms, one Grandma, one PopPop, and one Grandpa, Jas' stepdad couldn't decide what he wanted to be called. So we call him Fujisan(Japanese for grandfather)-the product of random Googling one day. Chase however, is proficient at saying PopPop, so we now call him both!
We headed to MomMom and Fuji's house for the afternoon. I can't remember if I posted the reasoning behind Fuji's name before. Since Chase already had two MomMoms, one Grandma, one PopPop, and one Grandpa, Jas' stepdad couldn't decide what he wanted to be called. So we call him Fujisan(Japanese for grandfather)-the product of random Googling one day. Chase however, is proficient at saying PopPop, so we now call him both!
Opening presents for the third time that day.
WooHoo- old school sit n' spin
Mommy and Daddy got an electric snow shovel:) among many other wonderful things!
Mommy and Daddy got an electric snow shovel:) among many other wonderful things!
Brunch and presents at our house. Chase, Mommy and Daddy all stayed in our pjs. Daddy is wearing the crazy Christmas hat Uncle Chris ended up with at the previous night's pollyanna.
Riding in his new sled with Aunt Zandy. My next picture of our dining room will have curtains. The bare windows and the lovely light are driving me crazy.
Uncle Kyle and Aunt LJ had to run to another family function, but you can't leave our house without posing for a picture.
Chase's first pair of boots. He wore them the other day and walked around even more stiff-legged than usual. After we got home he spent the rest of the night walking around carrying them. I think he likes them!
Sitting on his Cars potty-he already knows what to do!
Back it up again-
Our first Christmas morning waking up in our own bed! We had a relaxing morning opening presents before everyone came over. It was wonderful:)
Summer made a break for it before there was no walking path!
As soon as Chase saw the car he didn't want to open anything else. Who do you think he takes after? Here Daddy is showing him how to push the pedal with his hand because he is a little too short to sit on the seat and reach it with his foot. Jason has already looked into how he can add more horsepower.
On to Christmas Eve-Party #2
Each year the White Elephant gifts get more hideous.
A little smaller crowd than usual!
Chase and his Great Grandparents
Making sure his gifts are the right size
My cousin has the coolest basement for kids of all ages!!
Christmas Eve Party #1
Always fun trying to squeeze everyone in and set the timer on the camera. I am usually the one setting the timer and running. So most pictures I have the same pose!
More presents!
Another day, another party
R Rated White Elephant gifts this time...
In front of Cindy's amazing Christmas tree
Our friend John made his own dickey out of a woman's turtleneck to go with his outfit. If you don't know what one is, Google it, just watch your spelling. It brought many of us back to our childhoods and reminded me of my grandparents. We decided that next year we should all wear ugly Christmas sweaters.
Woody trying out his spy glasses
Rewind one last time!
First Annual Swanson Family Christmas party at the shop.
All I want for Christmas is a giant box to play in with my second cousins
I seriously think almost everyone in this picture is blond!
Whew! I can't look at this screen anymore. Time to wrap up.
Thank goodness we both had the week before New Years' off. Big families, and lots of wonderful friends mean you always have lots of fun, but also lots of places to go! Luckily this year we didn't have to pack up the car to travel for a few days for the holidays. Like I said before, it is always nice to sleep in your own bed.
Chase made out like a bandit and had a high-flying Christmas.
Christmas 2010
Christmas 2011
Look at me now
Hope everyone had a happy and healthy holiday week. We sure did!
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