Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Chase Runs the Show

About a month ago Chase started a new nighttime routine.  It involves laying in bed with Jas or I before he goes in his crib. No biggie right?  Not so fast.  This routine is on Chase's terms, and you need to oblige.  After brushing his teeth he runs into the hallway saying "Mama/Dada's oom, bed". Chase shimmies up into bed. He lays on his back with the covers pulled up, and plays with his hair until he falls asleep.  On a good night the process takes fifteen minutes.  Some nights however, he squirms around like crazy for a good while, then tires himself out.

Some Chase imposed rules that apply:
1) You also must be in the exact same position as him.  No moving to your side or he will yell "Back Mama" while yanking your shoulder or patting the bed.
2) He must be touching you in some fashion(this really stinks because he is a sweatball when he sleeps)
3) When he is finally transferred to his room his light-up ladybug needs to be on "blue" and he wants a blanket no matter how hot it is!

 Depending on the night he will sleep through. Other nights he wakes up, and we have no choice but go in to get him.  We haven't converted to the toddler bed yet.  One day when he was supposed to be napping he climbed/fell out because I think he stood on his beloved ladybug.  Otherwise he doesn't mind being in the crib, and we'd like to keep him in it as long as possible!

Since Jas has been gone most of the month, Chase and I spend our nights going through his routine.  I often don't make it back downstairs to blog.   Trying to catch up while he sleeps extra long today!!

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