First bottle from Daddy
One of Mommy's morning photos(from her really old phone)
Chase's weight today was 1880 grams or 4lbs. 2 0z. This is just temporary however, since he was off the diuretics he has gained over 4 oz is two days. Even though he continues to eat very well, and is still getting a half supplement we'd like the weight gain to be not because of fluid retention. His little cheeks(both top and bottom) and his hands and feet were quite puffy today, but since they restarted the diuretics we hope to see him back to normal tomorrow.
He had an upper GI and abdomen x-ray today to make sure the reflex wasn't being caused by any anatomy issues. I was surprised when I got the the hospital this afternoon to find out that instead of putting the barium in his tube, they fed it to him in a bottle. He is too little to realize how terrible it tastes! All the results for today's orders came back normal, so he'll continue on the Zantac for the reflux even though we aren't quite sure if its having an effect. The nurses are giving mixed reports so they are just going to continue giving it to him and monitor his progress.
One more thing-you can see in the pic above that his feeding tube was moved to his nose. Since he is getting three p.o.(oral) feedings per day, its easier having it there than instead of his mouth.
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