Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tub Time and Trauma

I am so friggin' cute

Chase had a big day today. He peed on Mommy while he was getting weighed, he got his first tub bath, and he got circumcised. So only the first two things were kind of fun for him, but it was still an eventful day! I would load the video, but it shows his bits, and we're trying not to get in trouble:)

I wasn't there for the circumcision, but he was pretty grumpy afterwards. Can you blame him? Every time he'd kick his legs around he'd scream, and we tried to keep him calm by holding him for a while after feeds.

Today they set up a bunch of appointments for us and I got his prescriptions to fill for tomorrow. He still is having occasional desats, so we may be a few more days, but his little bits healing at the hospital with the nursing care is fine by us! He still has to do the car seat test because they didn't want to subject him to anything else after his traumatic afternoon.

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