Wednesday, September 29, 2010


What's the big deal?

As I explained for what feels like the umpteenth time, Chase's corrected age today is exactly one month old. He was rather cooperative all day, and while sleeping did allow me to slide him off my chest onto the bed for a bit. Since he was on his belly I made sure I watched that he kept his head turned to the side and not buried! Occasionally he'd squirm around and rear his butt up and once he even rolled to the side a little. When Jas got home from work, and while contemplating dinner options and discussing the forecast for tomorrow's torrential downpour(we're still having roof issues) we watched Chase begin to stir and work up some momentum.

And then it happened... Yep he did it! He rolled over from his tummy to his back! To make sure it wasn't a fluke we put him on his belly again, and he proceeded to scream and roll himself right back over again. He was pretty annoyed that we weren't picking him up and were celebrating the milestone:) but he soon got over it and let mommy pose for some pictures with him.

I know this is an exciting moment for all parents, but it was extra special for Jas and I. All of Chase's milestones are going to be a little bit more meaningful. Its amazing to see how far he has come in such a short time, and we can't wait to share future milestones with all of you!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Chase has been sleeping a little more at night! It's been nice not having to wake him up every three hours for meds, but we still need to work on the crib issue:) The past few mornings he's been super animated and I even got a little giggle out of him yesterday.

Sorry for the short post, he's getting fussy so I have to run- we try to not wake up daddy that much during the week!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Time Flies

Don't I look cute in my jumper? It even has a little crab on it.

Daddy propped me up and I stood for a few seconds!

It's been a month since Chase was discharged! Can you believe it? His crib is still not his favorite place to sleep, and there are definitely days that I don't get a chance to shower until Jas gets home-oh well! We've also been on a few solo outings, and yesterday I was able to put him in the Baby Bjorn for the first time. Yea free hands! Now I just have to practice not dripping water on his head while doing dishes.

He grows and thrives each and every day, and its so fun to see his little personality develop. We get more smiles every day:) He's also getting good at holding his head up, and he wiggles all over the place when he's not being held. We think he'll be rolling over soon!

On Wednesday we had our first appointment with the pulmonologist, and everything went well. He told us that Chase's lungs sounded clear, and although he still has what is considered chronic lung disease, his case is not as severe as some other preemies. Since it was our first visit I had a boatload of checklists to complete and we reviewed short and long term outcomes. He told us that preemies usually outgrow many of their lung issues by kindergarten age, but that Chase would definitely be more susceptible to illness and could potentially develop asthma.

We also talked about Respiratory Synctial Virus(RSV) and the synagis vaccine he'll be receiving every 28 days during the virus season. So for the next 5 months the little one will be getting another injection:( but it will be well worth it. Most kids before the age of 2 come down with RSV at some point and it usually presents as a bad cold, but it can be extremely dangerous for preemies and result in the need for hospitalization. Although there is no guarantee that Chase won't get RSV, if he does get it the symptoms would be less severe. Despite the fact that we absolutely loved the respiratory therapists at the hospital we hope to not pay them any visits any time soon. Limiting his exposure to crowds in enclosed spaces and kids under the age of five during the season will hopefully help minimize his chances of getting sick. This of course, is easier said than done.

The one other topic we discussed at length was medication. If Chase didn't still have that lovely heart murmur the pulmonologist said we could have looked at a wean off process for his meds. Unfortunately, since it still sounds like a bit of a washing machine when you listen to his chest, he decided to hold off on making any changes until we see the cardiologist in mid October. One thing he did do however was adjust the frequencies. Although Chase is still getting the same amount across the day, he doesn't need to get some of them every three hours! We now don't have to wake him up to give him meds. Not that he sleeps through the night, but for the past month once we got done the whole process of changing him, giving him meds, and feeding him some days we only had an hour and a half before the next medication time!

Now that we don't have to wake him up our goal for this week is to tackle the crib issue:) Wish us luck!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Sorry there was a typo from yesterday's post! Chase was 7lbs. 11oz at his checkup on Friday. We're thinking that he'll finally be at the 8 lb. mark tomorrow, which means he will be big enough to go in the Baby Bjorn:) Yea!!! Mommy will have two free hands again!!

Also, tomorrow morning we have the first of our big appointments! We see the pulmonologist at Mt. Washington Pediatrics to discuss Chase's progress. We'll be taking his many chest x-rays(luckily they're on CD nowadays) and medication info to see what the next step is going to be for the treatment of his chronic lung disease. The NICU docs shared with us that he just needed time to grow, and develop new healthy lung tissue. Maybe if everything looks good tomorrow we might be able to talk about starting to wean him off some meds. Keep your fingers crossed!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Mommy what are you doing to me?

Go Eagles!! We got Chase all geared up for yesterday's game. Since his outfit is quite big(even though he weighs 7 lbs 1 oz now!!!), he'll definitely be able to wear it for the entire season. He's getting good at holding his head up, so he was relatively easy to pose:)

Good Times

"Uncle" Nick

"Aunt" Kristin

"Aunt" Cindy

Daddies and their boys

MomMom and PopPop K

Aunt Zandy wanted to take him home

Here's some pics from the past few days-we had quite a few visitors for Jas' birthday!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Love you Daddy

Bright Eyed

Time for Bed
(not in my crib of course)

Yesterday was Jas' 30th birthday! Although he had meetings most of the day at work, and we were both exhausted, we managed to have a nice dinner. I decided to pick up an assortment of goodies from some of our favorite spots and take a break from cooking. Normally I'd make a spread, but I still have to improve my timing around the little one's schedule for elaborate dinners!

Chase and I got Daddy a few of race car related gifts, and one of them is even a project for the two of them to work on when Chase gets a little older! Although it wasn't a big affair like the surprise party Jas threw for me for my 30th, it was just nice to enjoy some family time. When I asked him what he wanted for his birthday earlier in the week, his reply was "I already got it:)"

We haven't done cake and candles yet, but we have some visitors coming down this weekend, so we'll be continuing the festivities!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Chase sometimes doesn't fall asleep after eating in the morning-surprise, surprise! He enjoys hanging out with mommy. Since its chilly out this morning and the windows are open I had him a little bundled. Sorry the pic isn't great, my phone doesn't have a flash:)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Too Cute


Since the weather has been beautiful we've been trying to take advantage of being outside as much as possible. This past week we went to Boordy for the last farmer's market of the season, and our regular Friday festival at Belvedere. Over the years we've gone to the Friday festivals with lots of friends and family, its a great way to relax after a long week. Since we've been going for so many seasons, and there are so many families that are regulars, we've gotten to see lots of kids grow up. As Jas said-now we fit in with the rest of the yuppie families that attend! Its definitely good people watching. Since its a popular event, you always have to get there early in order to stake out a nice shady spot on the grass because it gets packed fast! Last night it wasn't crowded at all which was perfect. My parents were down for the day, and they joined us with our friends and their little ones for the festivities. We also ran into one of our nurses from the NICU, and it was awesome to see her hold Chase outside of the hospital!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Who Needs Directions?

I didn't put the Diaper Genie together, and Jas didn't read the directions(surprised?), so we kept thinking we were supposed to empty the bin when the ring of bags was finished. We didn't wait that long, but it was way overdue!! I'm sure this is just the first of many goof-ups we'll make as first time parents:)

Daddy is Back to Work

Yesterday Jas went back to work:( I'm not going to lie, it was a bit of an adjustment for me. Chase didn't nap for very long during the day, and when he was up he was fussy and wanting to be held. Thus, I didn't get a lot accomplished. Even though I don't mind a midday nap, I go a little stir crazy and you can only watch so much t.v. It was so nice having Jas home for the past two weeks because we make a great "team" to make sure all of Chase's needs get met. Now I'm working on getting good at doing things one handed!

Today Chase napped a bit more so I'm pleased to say I was even able to get a few things done around the house. Tomorrow and Friday I'll be having visitors during the day, so the extra hands will be welcome:)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Special Day

Our first crabs of the season!

We love Conrads!

Time to blow out the candles

They say "Mommy" on them

Not only was yesterday Labor Day, it was also my birthday! Jas took all of the night feedings so I could sleep and made me a wonderful frittata when I got up:) We made a plan to have crabs for lunch, and thought that maybe Chase would be napping, but no dice. He enjoyed sitting in the shade for a while, but then we ended up taking turns washing the Old Bay off of our hands to hold him! We had fun, and despite some fussing, I think he did too.

Last year, Jas got me an ice cream cake from Coldstone. It was great, but way too much for just the two of us. So this year we went with ice cream cupcakes from Coldstone, and they were awesome! If you've never tried them, I highly recommend getting them-even if its not for a special occasion.

My 32nd birthday was wonderful, and I got to spend it with my two favorite people!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sundays at the Reservoir

For probably close to 10 yrs. Jas and I have spent many a Sunday morning at Loch Raven Reservoir with Summer. We've never been ones to sleep in, and usually on Sundays we take advantage of hiking and taking Summer swimming. She knows the trails pretty well, and will run ahead to her favorite cliff to jump off of. Even when the weather gets cooler and she isn't allowed to go swimming she always manages to run ahead and find the biggest mud puddle possible to dive into. Since she's been the center of attention for the 11yrs. having Chase around has been an adjustment for her, and the weather today was perfect to head to the "Res".
After loading up the car, and convincing Summer that she was allowed to sit in the passenger seat(normally a no-no). She's always had free access to windows on both sides of the car, and we were a little nervous about her getting too excited while in the backseat with the baby. She gets really hyped up when we pull on Dulaney Valley Rd. and she figures out where we're going. She would jump out the window and run right to the water if you let her!

Good thing we decided to go today, because starting on Tues. the main road is going to be closed for demolition and rebuilding of the bridge and it won't be accessible until early 2011:( We took a nice walk(no hikes yet), and then headed down to let Summer swim. Chase seemed to enjoy his first visit and we found a spot to hang out in the shade while Summer got her requisite time in with Jas!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mommy's New Toy

Right before Chase came home from the hospital our oven stopped working. The original plan was to hold out until we renovated our kitchen, but that was supposed to be done before he was born also, and you all know how that worked out! Thankfully the stove still worked or I would have gone crazy:) For those of you who don't know, I love to cook. Actually, you could equate my obsession with cooking to Jas' obsession with cars. I kept telling everyone that last year while he was in the Middle East I was going to start a food blog. I took a ton of food pics and even started writing down some of my recipes, but I just never got around to doing it.

Now I have a fantastic new range to whip up some new creations. It comes equipped with five burners, a warming feature, and 5.6 cu ft of oven space for our annual Thanksgiving feast. I'm pretty sure I was able to boil water and preheat the oven to 450 degrees in 3 minutes! I know some of you probably think its ridiculous that I'm posting about an appliance, but I'm pretty psyched. We all have different things that make us happy right?

Hopefully Chase doesn't grow up a picky eater-that would stink. I told Jas I couldn't have married him unless he was an adventurous eater, and I'm pretty sure he stuck with me partially because of my skills in the kitchen:) He is also very patient with me when I make up a new recipe, and then have to take pictures to document my creation before we can sit down to eat.

So maybe one day when I get more time, and get more than a few hours sleep a night, I'll finally start that food blog. We already have the name for the blog- "Chase'n Flavor"

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Growing Boy

Sleeping in my crib after my bath

Still not so sure about this one

While we have a little bit of a routine, Chase still likes to dictate any changes on a daily basis! He continues to grow and amaze us every day, and even though there are days that we're exhausted its all worth it:) Today he went to the pediatrician and he weighs 6lbs. 10oz. and the doctor said he's looking good. He did get his second Hep B shot today, but he took it like a trooper and only cried for a split second.

Over the past few days we've had some visitors, but I didn't take the pics off the camera until today. Thanks MomMom and PopPop H. for visiting on Sunday and giving mommy a chance to nap while daddy was at his fantasy football draft. Chase was spoiled and MomMom held him and rocked for a few hours!

Snuggling with PopPop

Uncle Pat is getting more comfortable now that Chase is bigger

"Aunt" Jenna is a natural!