Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mommy's New Toy

Right before Chase came home from the hospital our oven stopped working. The original plan was to hold out until we renovated our kitchen, but that was supposed to be done before he was born also, and you all know how that worked out! Thankfully the stove still worked or I would have gone crazy:) For those of you who don't know, I love to cook. Actually, you could equate my obsession with cooking to Jas' obsession with cars. I kept telling everyone that last year while he was in the Middle East I was going to start a food blog. I took a ton of food pics and even started writing down some of my recipes, but I just never got around to doing it.

Now I have a fantastic new range to whip up some new creations. It comes equipped with five burners, a warming feature, and 5.6 cu ft of oven space for our annual Thanksgiving feast. I'm pretty sure I was able to boil water and preheat the oven to 450 degrees in 3 minutes! I know some of you probably think its ridiculous that I'm posting about an appliance, but I'm pretty psyched. We all have different things that make us happy right?

Hopefully Chase doesn't grow up a picky eater-that would stink. I told Jas I couldn't have married him unless he was an adventurous eater, and I'm pretty sure he stuck with me partially because of my skills in the kitchen:) He is also very patient with me when I make up a new recipe, and then have to take pictures to document my creation before we can sit down to eat.

So maybe one day when I get more time, and get more than a few hours sleep a night, I'll finally start that food blog. We already have the name for the blog- "Chase'n Flavor"

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