Wednesday, September 29, 2010


What's the big deal?

As I explained for what feels like the umpteenth time, Chase's corrected age today is exactly one month old. He was rather cooperative all day, and while sleeping did allow me to slide him off my chest onto the bed for a bit. Since he was on his belly I made sure I watched that he kept his head turned to the side and not buried! Occasionally he'd squirm around and rear his butt up and once he even rolled to the side a little. When Jas got home from work, and while contemplating dinner options and discussing the forecast for tomorrow's torrential downpour(we're still having roof issues) we watched Chase begin to stir and work up some momentum.

And then it happened... Yep he did it! He rolled over from his tummy to his back! To make sure it wasn't a fluke we put him on his belly again, and he proceeded to scream and roll himself right back over again. He was pretty annoyed that we weren't picking him up and were celebrating the milestone:) but he soon got over it and let mommy pose for some pictures with him.

I know this is an exciting moment for all parents, but it was extra special for Jas and I. All of Chase's milestones are going to be a little bit more meaningful. Its amazing to see how far he has come in such a short time, and we can't wait to share future milestones with all of you!

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