Sunday, May 6, 2012

100 Weeks

The other day my inbox included a mom365 email with the subject being 100 Weeks Old:  What's up with your toddler?  I find it funny that these emails still come through counting Chase's age by weeks. I often think to myself can I finally stop saying he is so many months old when he hits two next month? So in honor of Chase's 100th week, I'm going to try to squeeze in 100 tidbits about the little man before he wakes up from nap.

 Here we go...
1)  Chase's best friend is Summer
2)  He loves edamame
3)  Running is his favorite sport
4)  He is obsessed with vacuums.  He will stop what he is doing to watch a Bissell or Dyson commercial
5)  He loves playing in his sandbox
6)  One of his current favorite books is Poke-A-Dot Old McDonald Had a Farm
7)  He can do almost all the hand motions to Itsy Bitsy Spider
8)  He still isn't sold on swimming, but will tell you that you "kick-kick" at the pool and "blow bubbles"
9)  He prefers using a big person fork
10)  Hockey(of course) is his favorite sport to watch on t.v.
11)  The spicier the better when it comes to his food
12)  He pretty much uses his right hand for everything
13)  He has started to pick out his attire, and wanted to wear snow boots last week when it was 80 degrees
14)  He is proficient at turning on the t.v and plugging in a cell phone
15)  Chase can draw a straight line, and we are working on circle
16)  He knows how to use a screwdriver and a wrench
17)  He loves moving clothes from the washer to the dryer
18)  Favorite food is still avocado
19)  He loves throwing things in the trash, and will take tissue paper out of boxes at DSW to do so
20)  He steals out of ladies' purses
21)  He has eczema
22)  Summer is tormented by him on a daily basis
23)  He has started trying to walk down stairs while holding on the railing
24)  He now likes to wear baseball caps!
25)  He has a wicked golf swing
26)  Painting and "making a mess" are two of his favorite hobbies
27)  He is still a lousy sleeper
28)  He loves giving hugs, and kisses especially first thing in the morning
29)  Most days he is a super eater, on picky days Mommy caves
30)  Peanut putter and banana sammies are our go-to if he isn't in the mood for anything else
31)  He squeals whenever he sees a Woof-woof
32)  He does the best "Home Alone Face", hands on his cheeks and everything
33)  He enjoys watching the Sprout channel
34)  Building with blocks is not his forte(he is heavy handed)
35)  He likes looking out the window to watch birds and squirrels while he eats
36)  Chase has shared a cookie with Summer(bite for bite)
37)  He loves his MomMoms and PopPops
38)  You want to take a nap after running with him all day
39)  He is cutting his two-year old molars
40)  You can't say "Tub" or "Vacuum" around him unless you are ready to do it that second
41)  He sits on the potty, but no luck in going yet
42)  When I am driving and speed up in the car, he says "Dadda"
43)  His smile is adorable
44)  He has two birthmarks-one on his shoulder and one on the side of his head(almost faded now)
45)  Sips of Mr. Softee B&W shakes are one of his hot day treats
46)  The doctor still hears his heart murmur
47)  He is obsessed with Trader Joe's multigrain waffles
48)  He screams if you are outside and don't let him rake
49)  His vocabulary is awesome, even the words that no one understands
50)  He follows multi-step directions
51)  One day he briefly got his head stuck in the railings
52)  He is a huge flirt
53)  He is pretty decent at sharing
54)  Occasionally he will bite when he doesn't get his way
55)  He is on his third kind of diapers to prevent overnight leaks(so far, so good)
56)  He loves jamming to music in the car
57)  When Jas travels Skyping is part of Chase's new nighttime ritual
58)  Almost every time he is with one of his MomMoms he comes home with a new toy or outfit
59)  He tells everyone he is going to be "two"
60)  He clinks glasses together and says "Cheers"
61) "Allellala" Alexandra is his favorite aunt
62)  He is getting a new swing set soon
63)  Both he and Summer have ripped the screen to the sliding glass door repeatedly
64)  He took his first tumble into the brick fireplace the other day
65)  He loves when the sunroof is open
66)  Helping Mommy cook is a favorite pasttime
67)  He yells "Mama" or "Dadda" when you walk out of a room just to check that your still around
68)  A new gate was just installed to prevent his escape up to the 2nd floor
69)  He still wears some 12-mo shorts
70)  Summer is still the first thing he asks/looks for when he gets up

Sorry, he is awake....I made it pretty far.  TO BE CONTINUED>>>>

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