Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Soaking it all in

The fact that Chase mimics most of what he sees and hears often comes back to bite ya. Last night when we got home I left the garage door open while Chase played in his sandbox before dinner.  The open door kind of slipped my mind until after he was done eating, and I was checking on laundry.  Chase is always under foot, and since the oven was preheating for my dinner, so was Summer.  She has grown especially skittish in her old age.  A few times with the kitchen smoke alarm in Baltimore has left the poor girl scarred for life.  Anyway, in the split second that I opened the door to the garage to hit the button to shut the door, Summer bolted.  I scooped up Chase and ran/walked(she is like a kid you can't chase her) to grab her before she took off.  Fortunately she only made it to the front walk before I yanked her collar and said "Bad Dog" to get her back in the garage.  I did hold her by the collar as I led her into the house, but I only repeated the statement once.

Preparing to be tormented
 You can probably at this point guess what then ensued for the next few minutes, correct?  Yepper, Chase ran around tormenting the dog yanking her collar and tail.   Yelling "Bad dog".   I had to think fast to fix my snafu a.k.a grab my camera, and also hide the fact that this was a highly entertaining scene.  Summer of course didn't see the humor in the whole situation.
I am half listening to you Momma
Sorry Summer.  I really do love you.
Luckily, as quickly as my child learns and retains something, he is also just as quick to be distracted and redirected to something else.  Ahh, the beauty of two-year olds.  After a few quick "Nice dog, give Summer a hug" snipits and a redirect to a remote control car, he was over it.  Thank goodness.  I really have to watch what I do and say from now on!!

1 comment:

  1. I totally LOVE that last picture - it's just so adorable!
