This will be a long post, as it was a very long day! I'm sure I won't remember all of the details...
Jas visited Chase yesterday morning before heading to work, he had a few clusters of "bradys" during the evening, and despite almost peeing on the nurse during cares he just didn't seem himself. A little before 9am we received a call that they were going to put him back on the ventilator and look at possibly starting treatment with Indocin since the PDA didn't seem to be closing on its own.
He was pretty out of it when I got there and his O2 sats kept fluctuating despite being back on the vent. Even though he had the lowest dose of Fentanyl he was pretty groggy and they needed to work on adjusting the levels and positioning him quite a bit. It was an emotional morning for me, since Jas was at work and Chase wasn't recouping the way they thought he would. After reviewing the chest and bowel x-rays with the doctor, and looking at this weight and belly measurement from earlier in the morning they decided to suction some air from his belly. The one problem with the CPAP(which he had been on for many days) is that it pumps air into the bowel area causing distention at times. After a few hours when he seemed to be resting and not working as hard, I decided to run out to pick up a few things. It was my first day driving after the c/s.
The worst thing for us has been anytime the phone rings and we see the hospital phone number...and unfortunately this happened while I was at Target yesterday! Thank god for our nurse Janis. She noticed that Chase started to have poor coloring and not regain his active squirming nature. Having spent many days with him, she knew that he is normally not the most cooperative little one during cares/procedures etc. and he wasn't kicking or protesting like usual. The doc called me immediately to discuss treatment for possible infection. Despite having normal CRP and CBC numbers in the morning his hematocrit numbers were low after the afternoon labs. Over the phone, Dr. Helou explained to me that they were going to need to look at doing a blood transfusion and a lumbar puncture to rule out infection and they needed consent. He was very concerned about me driving back to the hospital since I was upset. I was thankfully still in Towson. I also managed to hold it together until I got to the parking lot to call Jason.
When I got the the NICU and signed consent(I had already given verbal) I was whisked into the hallway so they could start the procedures. I had put my bag down in his room, so while speeding(he promised under 100mph most of the time) up from work Jas couldn't get a hold of me. They did an echocardiogram to rule out that the placement of his picc line wasn't causing any of his issues, and the lumbar puncture went smoothly. When Jas got to the hospital we were allowed back in the room to watch as they set up the IV for his transfusion and start his antibiotics. By this time, Chase's coloring had improved and he did seem to be a little more perky than earlier in the day. After visiting for a while we needed to leave for shift change, and try to get some dinner.
After dinner we headed back to the hospital, and as I was walking in there was a couple with a little girl and two large trays of Panera sandwiches boarding the elevator. The father asked if I was headed to the NICU and after hearing that I was, he told me they were delivering dinner for the NICU staff because it was their daughter's first birthday. Just like Chase she was born at 27 wks and had problems with a PDA. After 87 days in the NICU she was able to finally go home. We didn't get to talk that much, but she was a beautiful healthy little girl. Considering how our day was going, our chance encounter with this family couldn't have come at a better time!
They were starting the transfusion when we got back in the room and it was set to take 3 hrs. After a long exhausting day we knew it was time to let him rest and get some sleep ourselves. We knew we'd have some ups and downs and all considering we've had more good days than bad. Thank you for all of your continued support, heading to the hospital shortly!