Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Few Bumps

This morning the docs and staff didn't do walk through rounds since they had a late night delivering a set of preemie twins. Since it was Jas' first day back to work, Jess picked me up this morning to head over to spend some time with the little guy, do lunch, and treat myself to a Vera diaper bag! They worked on his positioning for a while why we were there this morning since he seemed to be having a few more "bradys". He was also upgraded to bigger diapers, which makes changing him while he squirms even more difficult. He has gained a few more ounces since feeds are going well!

This evening we went back hoping to have Jas hold him, but he'd had a rough afternoon. The number of "bradys" he's been having increased a bit, but he continues to self recover and has only needed a slight increase in O2. His chest x-ray was a little hazier than they'd like, so they ordered a CRP for tomorrow to make sure he doesn't have an infection. They also started treatment for possible pulmonary edema with Lasix to see if this could help his respiratory issues. He still has a moderate PDA which would be contributing to the edema; so I'm sure we'll discuss at rounds tomorrow morning if medication may be necessary to help close the duct.

We only stayed for a short time this evening, he had quite a few visits from docs and the respiratory therapist today and we didn't want to disturb him further. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get to help bathe him in the morning, and Jas will be able to hold him when he gets home from work.

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